FEATURED (pictures on this site)
SMUGMUG (bikinghobo.com) sharing and storage site
FLICKR (flickr/chopard) thematic albums
FACEBOOK jurgen.chopard/photos_albums
INSTAGRAM @bikinghobo
INSTAGRAM @jugen_gtrider
INSTAGRAM @jurgen_tai
INSTAGRAM @jurgenchopard
INSTAGRAM @jurgen_film
Seclected photographs are featured on this site for easy access (see galleries).
My pictures, displayed at "Sala Cafe" exhibition, are reproduced and commented on a specific page
(access here)
"Bikinghobo/Smugmug" is my site for sharing and storing uncurated photographic galleries, organized in thematic folders:
Folks: people ortiented (portraits, ethnic groups)
Thailand: places, festivals
Asia: other Asian countries than Thailand
Europe: Switzerland, Spain, ... World
Nature: includes landscapes and nature pictures
Vintage: dedicated to my "film" years (various countries)
FACEBOOK thematic albums
FLICKR chopard account
INSTAGRAM (thematic feeds)
@bikinghobo People and cultures
@jugen_gtrider Travel stories
@jurgen_tai Tai Lue culture
@jurgenchopard Old cameras and travel pictures
@jurgen_film Vintage "film" pictures (scanned)
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